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iACE was not established as an organization with commercial purposes only. Since its inception, it was meant to achieve environmental stewardship in Pakistan by gathering all professionals, academia including researchers, industrialists, regulatory bodies, law makers and environmental practitioners/ consultants on one page to achieve environmental excellence.

At this point in time, when Pakistan is reiterating its commitment and obligations towards United Nations Framework on Climate Change and Paris Agreement, many agencies and organizations are involved in activities to improve environmental performance. The Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) submitted by Pakistan requires all the stakeholders to make collective efforts so that activities being performed by the organizations could be streamlined, therefore, areas that could not be focused earlier could be identified instead of reinventing the wheel.

The industrial sector in Pakistan is progressing however due to lack of appropriate technical support, environmental management like air emission control, effluent management, waste management etc. appears as a financial burden only. This also results either in violation of laws often in form of issuance of environmental protection orders (EPOs) to industries or they incur very high costs for compliance due to lack of knowledge and support that could offer them feasible solutions.

Environmental science today has emerged as an extremely important field of study alongside medical and engineering, but unlike doctors and engineers, there is no authority that would register or accredit environmentalists. The dark side of this scenario is due to this non-recognition, usually they are not offered positions in industries and consultancies and preference is given to engineers as they have a recognized professional status.

Another key issue in environmental researcher sector is unavailability of local data. There is no integrated database that could provide data on all aspects of environmental sciences and this also affects the level of research and research quality in Pakistan.

Besides the above mentioned issues, the lack of awareness as well as dedicated people have resulted in a number of environmental problems. Urban areas have also turned into hub of solid waste and stagnant water ponds. Despite the agencies are doing their job, the situations requires local population to join hands and finding solutions to their problems at local level.


As concerned citizens first and as environmental professionals, iACE team decided to play its role for addressing these issues and announces formation of “Committee of Environmental Counselors (CEC)”. With the aim to get this initiative recognized as a public private partnership and find solutions for most of our problems, we invite you all to be a part of this network.

Once any professional or organization registers to CEC, they are eligible to all the benefits.

The membership for all categories is free of charge for first year if registered before March 2019.

For further information and queries, write to us at cec@intelloace.com or contact 0333-3954873.

For registration, use the following links according to the category applied for:

Professionals: Click here
Industries/ companies: Click here

Environmental organization/ NGO: Click here